Location & Environment

Swedish picture book landscape in former mining region.

Formerly a mining region, the area now mainly attracts holidaymakers who want to enjoy nature - by canoe, bicycle or rowing boat. Between July and September, the forests are full of mushrooms and berries.



The farm is connected from the asphalted national road 244 by a connecting road (10 km) which is a typical not asphalted split road. Since it is a post road, the road is cleared even in winter and is maintained all year round.


From the asphalted 244 there is a bus connection to Nora, Örebro (train station), Grythyttan (train station), Hällefors (train station).


  • Stockholm/ Arlanda: 250 km
  • Stockholm/ Skavska: 106 km


The farm is located in the region “Bergslagen” in central Sweden. Rich in ore and raw materials, this mining area has provided prosperity and work for centuries. Nowadays there is hardly anything left of it. The region resembles the Swedish picture book landscape with numerous lakes, small beautiful towns and villages. The houses are built in the typical Swedish style and painted with the well-known color “Falunrot”.

The mailbox to the farm is located at a collection point 4 km away in Mooshyttan.


Shopping facilities, among others:

  • Grythyttan (18 km): supermarket
  • Hällefors (27 km): supermarkets, hardware store, garden tools, fishing and hunting supplies
  • Örebro (60 km): Supermarkets, IKEA, Bauhaus, everything else…

Excursion destinations, among others:

  • Grythyttan (18 km): village center with traditional Swedish houses and wooden church from 1632, restaurant Måltidens Hus (Swedish pavilion at the world exhibition in Seville/E), ice cream parlor, café, pub.
  • Hällefors (27 km): groomed, lighted cross-country ski trails of varying difficulty.
  • Pershyttan (29 km): European route of industrial culture.
  • Stadra-Teater 20 km Theater: small theater right by Lake Grecken, where well-known Stockholm artists perform.
  • Nora (27 km): beautiful typical Swedish picture book wooden town with 18 km museum railroad to Pershyttan.
  • Örebro (60 km): university city
  • Stockholm (250 km)
  • Kopparberg (43 km)
  • Lindesberg (40 km)

Medical care, among others:

  • Örebro (60 km): University hospital